My family for four generations has specialized in the design and manufacture of silver jewelry. Ours is a company with ancient goldsmith traditions. It all started in 1908 when my great grandfather started the business driven by a passion that motivates us to this day.

I’ll tell you an anecdote that led me to collect this legacy of gestures and emotions. As a child I loved watching my goldsmith father work at the banquet, intrigued by that magic, I asked him a thousand questions. With safe and fast movements of the hands, the pliers and files looked like a painter’s brush. The smell of welding filled the room and in all this amazing work the jewel took shape. For a couple of years I have taken over the company and now those emotions are I who want to transmit them.

The entire production chain is carried out in Italy, this guarantees quality, purity of materials and above all the high craftsmanship finish that is our strong point. In our collections, always in evolution, you will find jewels and unique handmade pieces that are inspired by the holistic-spiritual, sacred, nature and sea world.

We use original materials born to make a jewel entirely Made in Italy with the 12BL brand.

The 12BL identifies the production mark of a goldsmith craftsman and indicates that we are among the first goldsmith producers in the province of Belluno, my great grandfather had the 1BL. Now we are among the first and the few left and this is a pride for us.

Since 1908 …